


The Afternoonified Memoir of P. Longbutton

The Afternoonified Memoir of P. Longbutton


Percival Longbutton was a ruminator of quite a many things and was fond of taking long afternoon vacations (as he liked to call it. To be frank (and don’t call me Frank), these vacations were possible as he was to inherit Old Gum Banger’s estate from his father.

Spring had sprung that morn’ Percival got it in his mind to write his memoirs. Why, he had quite the numerous adventures with that old, ratty fox and quite a few run-ins with forest wolves and itinerant apple peddlers, which had to be recorded for posterity. But it was of no real consequence, in a week he will have forgotten about it in lieu of exploring the borogove mountains outside the edges of the iron pot valley or will have thought of some new way to poke up that old fox.

This limited edition print is created with archival quality paper and ink and has been lightly hand repainted, signed and numbered from a series of 250 prints.

A certificate of authenticity has been attached to the back and each print is sent in a plastic sleeve with cardboard backing.

Size: 11” X 14”

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